Back-to-School Portraits for the Kiddos

We've been back to school now for 2 weeks.  Routine is beginning to settle in for us, and all the school supplies, along with the heaping mounds of paperwork to fill out and send in, have been replenished.  It's an exciting time for the kids, and it's not wasted on my own girls.  They both seem so enthusiastic to be back in school, thriving with their new teachers and assignments, and that makes me happy.  I am a proud mom and miss their faces all day long.  So, come picture day, they already know that I'm going to request (insist?) making portraits of them.  I have them conditioned like that.  ;)  And, well, usually they cooperate...  But, not always.  The struggle is real for this photographer mom.  I suppose I've worn out my welcome pointing the camera in their direction.  I hope they'll forgive me... one day.

School Portraits (c) My 3 Girls Photography

I'm hosting School Portraits for the month of September in my studio.  There's no minimum purchase and no sitting fee.  There is, however, an added print credit bonus for the parents who willingly sign a model release waiver.  If you are a parent, like me, who prefers a natural light, natural smile, and all around fine art appeal to your child's school portrait than by all means get in contact to schedule your 5 minute portrait date.  I'd love to welcome you and your kiddos to my studio.  An after school snack of chocolate chip cookies is fresh and waiting for you!  See you soon, friends! 

Barbara Liszcz of My 3 Girls Photography

P.s.  Once you contact Barb (via email: to set up a date, an order form will be emailed to you.  All orders must be placed within 7 days of viewing your online proofing gallery of up to 2 images per child.  Prints and other photo merchandise are delivered directly to your doorstep/mailbox.  Thank you!  And have a wonderful school year!!!  

September... Already?

It's been a prolific summer, one among many for the books, friends!  The sunflowers have taken off and up, blooming tall and proud.  I had specifically chosen sunflower varieties that would grow approximately 3 feet overall, yet, this patch has far exceeded 6 feet - some closer to 8!!  Geez, guys, talk about over-achievers!!!  Ha!  I wonder, though, if I had planted them farther apart, spread out more if they wouldn't be competing so hardily for the sun's affections?!  This gives me plenty of ideas for next year's garden of flowers!!  Regardless, the gold finches, bees, butterflies and other buggie critters aren't complaining.  They rather keep sending me flashes of beautiful "Thanks" and "Appreciation!"  I'll take it!   

(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography

The hubby fixed our small Mantis 'tiller with new blades (yea baby!) and dug up the earth adjacent to the sunflowers, like a boss!  AND just in time for fall planting.  I can't believe we are staring at fall already!!  Don't get me wrong, I love the changing of seasons.  There's always something to look forward to in the garden.  I'll be moving some of the spreading perennials to the new patch and saving seeds for next year's garden.  Hmm, now to decide which patch of grass is next to cover, starve to death and then prep to plant in the spring!  

(c) my 3 girls photography

I had to share this colorful growth by my home studio sign by the mailbox.  Non-local peeps, I'm guessing you all have heard the news of our rain drenched, wet summer by now.  No, we did not float away (although, there were times when I contemplated building an ark in the backyard) and, YES, the flowers are in heavenly delight - they don't seem to mind all the dampness, not a bit.  The chrysanthemums I planted last fall - from 2 inch slivers of root found on the discount rack - have multiplied by the millionth power of sun, heat and rain!!  I'm in awe at how magnificent they have become this year.   

(c) my 3 girls photography

Whew.  Well, this felt great to get back to my blog, give it some love and fresh images!  Thanks so much for stopping by to have a view.  I have much more to share here and I'm thinking of a month to month style of a summer wrap-up of images.  June highlights is first to come on that list!  

Wishing everyone a beautiful September!  
Have a happy Labor Day holiday with your family and friends!
God bless all the fruits of your labor. 

(c) my 3 girls photography

Sunny Sunflowers

Nothing quite says "summer" the way sunflowers do.  And we're in plentiful hands this summertime!  The sunflower patch I planted almost 7 weeks ago is about to bud!  After my struggles with the rabbits, affectionately now named, Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter (whom I'm constantly scolding for losing his jacket!), the sunflowers have bounced back!  It's a race to see which one will bloom first and which one will grow the tallest.  So far, the Lemon Queen variety is in the lead, with the Autumn Beauty trailing far behind!  These are fun times in the garden.  I'm easily amused, can you tell? 

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography
family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

My home gardens are blooming all over the place!  I love this time of year when everything is full of life!!  I'm inviting you to join me for Sunflower Summer Portrait Sessions in the evenings during the next few weeks in my gardens!  I'll post more about it and examples on my Instagram feed.  Won't you join me?  The kids will especially love this time with you!!  There's lots to explore!    

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

The Sunflower Sessions at my home studio will be #1) evening appointments only, preferably beginning just before sunset for that warm, golden light.  They will be #2) 15 to 30 minutes in length and #3) five to ten images with download capabilities to share and print for personal use only.  Contact me for more information and specifics on package details.  Email is best:

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

In other news... say "hi" to my new friend.  I'm not sure what to call her/him?  Can you help me out, friends?  Is this a katydid, cricket or grasshopper?  Or all of the above?!  Here's another look on my Flickr stream --> click here <--  

Fancy fella, if you ask me...

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

It's been an amazing summer so far.  We've had many memorable visits with family and friends, far and near.  I am working on a summer round-up of photos to share with you.  My Busy Bee Girls will be joining me come Monday for 4 full weeks of giggly silliness, loads of art projects, a play performance of the Aristocats, and lots of mermaid time in the pool!!  I love summertime!  

I couldn't remember if I'd shared a photo of my home studio sign by our mailbox or not.  The zinnias I planted are beginning to bloom and the nasturtiums - hiding behind the flourishing chrysanthemums - are preparing to take over the sign.  Now you know where I am, come see me!

How's your summer been?!  What's popping up in your garden?!  I do hope you are enjoying your summer to the fullest!  Savor every moment.  :)

Barbara Liszcz Portrait Photographer Berks County Pennsylvania