
Sunny Sunflowers

Nothing quite says "summer" the way sunflowers do.  And we're in plentiful hands this summertime!  The sunflower patch I planted almost 7 weeks ago is about to bud!  After my struggles with the rabbits, affectionately now named, Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter (whom I'm constantly scolding for losing his jacket!), the sunflowers have bounced back!  It's a race to see which one will bloom first and which one will grow the tallest.  So far, the Lemon Queen variety is in the lead, with the Autumn Beauty trailing far behind!  These are fun times in the garden.  I'm easily amused, can you tell? 

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography
family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

My home gardens are blooming all over the place!  I love this time of year when everything is full of life!!  I'm inviting you to join me for Sunflower Summer Portrait Sessions in the evenings during the next few weeks in my gardens!  I'll post more about it and examples on my Instagram feed.  Won't you join me?  The kids will especially love this time with you!!  There's lots to explore!    

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

The Sunflower Sessions at my home studio will be #1) evening appointments only, preferably beginning just before sunset for that warm, golden light.  They will be #2) 15 to 30 minutes in length and #3) five to ten images with download capabilities to share and print for personal use only.  Contact me for more information and specifics on package details.  Email is best:

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

In other news... say "hi" to my new friend.  I'm not sure what to call her/him?  Can you help me out, friends?  Is this a katydid, cricket or grasshopper?  Or all of the above?!  Here's another look on my Flickr stream --> click here <--  

Fancy fella, if you ask me...

family and child photographer (c) My 3 Girls Photography

It's been an amazing summer so far.  We've had many memorable visits with family and friends, far and near.  I am working on a summer round-up of photos to share with you.  My Busy Bee Girls will be joining me come Monday for 4 full weeks of giggly silliness, loads of art projects, a play performance of the Aristocats, and lots of mermaid time in the pool!!  I love summertime!  

I couldn't remember if I'd shared a photo of my home studio sign by our mailbox or not.  The zinnias I planted are beginning to bloom and the nasturtiums - hiding behind the flourishing chrysanthemums - are preparing to take over the sign.  Now you know where I am, come see me!

How's your summer been?!  What's popping up in your garden?!  I do hope you are enjoying your summer to the fullest!  Savor every moment.  :)

Barbara Liszcz Portrait Photographer Berks County Pennsylvania

Five Frames for Friday

The family and I kicked off summer vacation with a visit to Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster.  The shows and rides were a sweet treat for us all!  The expert divers in The Princess and the Frog show made quite a splash!!  It was more than welcomed since temperatures were summer-like, in the low 90s.  A Wonder-full day was had by all!  

Dutch Wonderland's gardens were also quite the treat!  The beautiful roses that followed us all over the park were in full bloom.   

Speaking of blooms!  The catalpa trees (aka cigar tree) are in full bloom!  How I've never taken closer notice of their almost orchid-like blooms I have no idea!  They are sweetly scented and breathtaking!! 

My hydrangeas did not bloom last year - possibly due to the harsh winter, or they didn't get enough hydration in early spring.  I'm not completely sure why, but am SO HAPPY to report that they are all budding and bursting forth like the beautiful mopheads they are joyfully known to be.  Oh, happiness!!      

The sunsets have been amazing lately!  Seems that summer is actually here to stay - for now.  Yay for summertime beauty!! 

Wishing you a happy Friday and weekend ahead!  Keep your eyes pealed for all the beauty that surrounds you each day.  Thanks for stopping by, my friends.  :)