
April 2020 and Quarantining

Well, hello there!! It’s been a while! I am ashamed to say that I had lost my appetite for blogging. Or maybe I just got busy living life that I didn’t find the time to pick up my blog and write, in more than a year! I almost forgot how much I enjoy this space and connecting with my photog-reader-friends in this way. So, I dusted it off, cleared the cobwebs and am diving in, again. And what better time to do so than a global shuttering and quarantine?!  It’s day 29 of quarantining for my girls and I. We initiated our homebound confinement a few days earlier than what was ordered by our Governor. So, we are in the groove now.

I am by nature an introverted soul (yes, hard to believe, amiright?!) and enjoy being home, having solitude and staying in Pj’s all day is not a problem for me. The more difficult adjustment through these recent historic times is actually going out. It’s not such a pleasure to be in a state of fear at going to the grocery store. It’s all so incredibly odd to me, and I’m going to venture for everyone else also. We are all looking at one another with cautious glances, taking precautions at navigating our physical distancing, and wondering what in the world is happening?! We do our best and carry on, that’s what’s happening. In that spirit, I thought it would be good to share some of the things we’ve been up to over here in our little corner of the universe.

Spring has sprung!! The daffodils bright little faces are shining with joy; the trees are budding and some are fully in bloom; buds of all kinds are popping with promise! I LOVE spring! You too? With the quarantining going on, I’ve found myself picking up my camera more often than not to make photos for the pure joy of it and to capture this history-in-process. Because, let’s face it, eventually this will pass, we’ll all go back to some sort of normalcy and won’t it be nice to have some record of how we managed? I think so, too.

We celebrated Emilia’s 11th BIRTHDAY last weekend! She said that it was her best birthday yet! We started the day with our traditional breakfast in bed and presents. We had a special guest with us from Maine, Kurt’s sister, Jeri, to help sing special wishes and celebrate the festivities! It was such a treat to host “Aunt Jeri” for a few days! In the evening, when it was time for Emilia’s ice cream birthday cake, we had another special guest join our celebration - Chelsea! Chelsea’s in Arkansas these days and we miss her sooo much! Thank heavens for technology and FaceTiming!

Speaking of technology, the girls are both up and running with cyber-edition, home schooling. Our teachers and the many people working behind the scenes to get this up and running on such short notice have done a wonderful job for the kids! Truly, I am blown away by what’s possible and how easy they’ve made this transition seem. I’m certain they’ve been working round the clock, formulating ideas, planning and implementing curriculum via a screen. This is not easy for them, in the least. Emilia even had an art lesson with her art teacher via YouTube! The kids, too, are doing an outstanding job! We’re finding our new routine, right along with everyone else.

With the warmer temps, we’ve been outside more often, taking walks and soaking up the sunshine every chance we get! I hung up our hammock on the back deck and found some “me time” to chill and read. Did you know that Bumblebees bite? I had no idea they would bite - not sting - until later in the evening when I felt sharp needle-like sensations on the back of my calf. Lo and behold, one little bumble lost its way or was looking for a warm hiding place in my pants. Either way - Ouch! The girls thought it was the funniest thing ever to see their mom scrambling away in fright of a big bad insect crawling up her leg! We all had a good laugh at that one (after I iced my leg that is)! :) Ha!

Emilias 11th birthday 001.jpg
Emilia's 11th birthday 002.jpg
Emilia's 11th birthday 003.jpg
Emilia's 11th birthday 004.jpg
Jeris Visit April 2020.jpg
April Home School 001.jpg
April Home School 002.jpg
April Home School 003.jpg
Photo by Emilia :) Prior to bumblebee fiasco.

Photo by Emilia :) Prior to bumblebee fiasco.

How is your April quarantining been? Are you finding new rhythms and routines? Has it been difficult for you? Or easy to adjust? Please let me know how you are faring through this “Reboot” time. Any tips or tricks you can pass along? We keep putting our best faith efforts forward and find ways to laugh, every chance we can. I also remind myself often that this is a chance to learn, to make art, to read, to play games and listen to music. I really have no idea what I’d do without the Arts. They are a saving grace for me and my family. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for stopping by. Be well and stay safe, friend.

With warm hugs and all love,

a proper March Snow

Just as a good book and a hot cup of tea blend perfectly, so too does early March and snow. It’s winter’s last hold, last stand and last “Hurrah!” and together make a wondrous beauty to behold. It’s the kind of snow that’s sticky; the heavy, wet kind that builds itself up high on everything it touches. It’s also the kind of snow that melts quickly, so I was up early and ready to head outdoors to breathe it all in. It’s good to appreciate the cold, stomp around in the snow with a red nose and frozen fingers while snapping images to share. When spring breaks free, we’ll be that much more appreciative of the budding trees, flowers and birdsong to come.

March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow
March Snow

Wishing you joy in your day and sunshine on your shoulders.

Spring is around the bend… (:

january's nest

The weeks following the holidays and December’s festivities leading into a brand new 12 months, new chapters awaiting to be discovered leave me feeling like a nestling in my warm home, making preparations to soar into the new year! It’s a time of renewal and cleansing, as I organize closets, drawers, filing cabinets and make my dream lists of what the year ahead may transpire - some are in my control, while others I leave up to the Universe to take hold, guide and make manifest. It’s possibly one of my most favorite times of the year. I’m great at dreaming up new schemes - just ask Kurt!! (;

the january light

I’ve been on a Facebook cleanse, as a friend of mine calls it. I tiptoed my way back in after taking a full 2 months of “deactivation” and reactivated my personal account a week ago, but I must tell you, I’m not really “there.” I apologize if I’ve missed the latest news that my friend connections have posted within the site, however, I’ve found that my mental health and creative life was suffering — actually, I only realized it after taking the break. It was much needed. I do love Instagram though! Please connect with me there if you haven’t already! So… please, fill me in, friends. Let me know how things are going with you!! You all know how much I love your comments!

Emilia's Art Studio

I’ve put my girls on a cleanse also. The minecrafting, youtube watching, pinterest pinning, and anything unrelated to homework has been put on pause. I noticed Alanna writing again; Emilia is creating up a storm (quite literally a STORM - and I go in to her new art studio space to scraps of paper, glitter, pens, markers, colored pencils galore!! - insert my scary face!!)! Alanna has always been a book worm, but she’s been more so while on the internet fast. They are making their plans for when the break is over as they prepare to make videos for their youtube channel, including stop animation. But, in the meantime, I think they’ve gained a new appreciation for their creative selves.

the mill property

The girls and I took an afternoon and made our way to a local favorite, The Mill Property Antiques. January is a great time to find good deals while treasure hunting within their brick and mortar walls. I love to find unique gifts to give while rediscovering the past nostalgia of collectibles that are a plethora here!! Although, there are new, antique inspired goodies here that are equally rare finds! Plus, it’s just plain fun to browse the booths!

the mill property
the mill property
the mill property

I added some vintage finds, and not-so-vintage items to a happy house-warming package I sent to my Chelsea and her partner, Sara, as they settle into their new home in Craig, Colorado. I’m so dang proud of the two of them!! Talk about brave girls - they surely are! We’re counting down the days until we visit them!

the mill property

I’ve been dreaming (there I go again!) of painting an entire wall with chalkboard paint for YEARS! Well, we did it!! We’re calling it our “Welcome Wall.” It just happens to be the wall you first see when you enter our home. Perfect! We’ve been having so much fun with it.

the Welcome Wall

I’m in the process of developing plans to expand on my summer program for girls ages 7 and older, to include year round art activities in our studio space! We’re set to launch this new idea into life this February with a Pizza & Paint Night on Saturday, Feb 16, just in time for Valentine’s Day! The girls will be making their own personal size pizzas (rolling out the dough and all!) then we’ll paint a Valentine’s inspired design on 11x14” stretched canvasses! This is bound to be a memorable night together with my hive of Busy Bee girls!

There will be more art nights and days coming up this year to keep our girls buzzing along together in a safe, creative space where they can grow their beautiful minds, and keep their hands busy making art. A calendar of the spring events will be coming up via my newsletter. Have you signed on yet? If not, click here to subscribe. Special discounts apply for our alumnae of girls.

Alanna outlined Emilia (:

Alanna outlined Emilia (:

Emilia outlined Alanna

Emilia outlined Alanna

The Busy Bees Summer Camp calendar will be announced on Friday, February 1. I’m loving all the positive responses to the ART studio and for your warm encouragement and friendship. It’s going to be loads of fun and Busy!!! (: Check out the new page I added to my website for a preview of what’s to come: Busy Bee Girls

Please let me know how you’re settling into the new year. What’s one thing you’re dreaming of? What’s on your agenda to create? I’d love to hear from you! xo Wishing you ease and joy in your day.

with gratitude, Barb