
Summer Series | June Highlights

After I looked through my past few blog posts, it may seem to you that I’ve just been focused on planting and growing sunflowers (: Ha.  So not true.  Also… I noticed that I really need to update my blog more often.  Thanks, though, for sticking around and for being patient with me and my intermittent postings.  Must. Do. Better.  

To kick off my summer series (I’m giving it a try!), I decided to look back through my archives from June 2018.  And, just as I remember it to be, it was a beaut!  I forgot to tell y’all that I recently purchased a 35mm SLR Minolta Maxxum 600 film camera using a birthday gift card for Etsy from my sister!!  Thanks again, Laura!!  I’ve been having fun with it, too!  I’ve attached some images within this blog post of the first roll of film I shot this summer (so exciting!).  I’ll let you guess which are film and which are digitally produced.  

Kodak 400 film photo

We had special, honored guests stay with us over the Father’s Day weekend, my stepfather, John and stepmom, Kay.  You might remember them from our visit to Florida last March when we stayed with them in Englewood at their vacation home.  They also have a home in Nashville, Tennessee where they live most of the year and where I lived with John and my mother from about 1978 to 1983, give or take 6 months here or there.  It was fitting then that they spend Father’s Day weekend with us since I wanted to spoil my Papa John with lots of love for the occasion.  And give our beloved Kay some TLC, too.  We had such a fun time together: swimming in the chilly pool water, playing board games, eating lots of scrumptious meals and taking walks. 

Father's Day Weekend

On one such walk, we decided to let the girls ride their bikes as we ventured “down to The Farm.” My husband, Kurt grew up not far from where we live. Coincidence? I think not. He’s very close to his family and when time came for us to purchase a home, nothing suited him until… you guessed it, our current home of 19 years that’s roughly a half mile from his childhood family home, AKA “The Farm.” It’s a good thing I love him and his family dearly. I have the best in-laws a woman could ever ask for. True story.

Father's Day Weekend

We had such fun walking the property and around the large pond while exploring the beauty this property naturally inhabits. I can see why my husband loves this land and his childhood home so much. What a charmed life! Miss “Lacey” girl got in on the adventure and kept us company, taking dips in the creek and the pond, watching over us and the sheep.

Father's Day Weekend
Father's Day Weekend
Father's Day Weekend
Father's Day Weekend
Father's Day Weekend
Father's Day Weekend
Father's Day Weekend
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Father's Day Weekend

My Papa John and Kay allowed me to make a portrait of them!! Well, I am kind of bossy when it comes to these sorts of things, but they kept their happy dispositions despite my insistence. Beautiful couple, wouldn’t you agree? They’ll be married 28 years this October. Crazy how fast the time goes! We love these two so incredibly much!!!

Father's Day Weekend

The girls on the “Wishing Rock.”

Kodak 400 film photo

After the long (err, short?) uphill walk back home, it was time for cooling off! Although, I think this image was actually shot the day after our walk, and on Father’s Day. Talk about being a good sport, Emilia is soaking her daddy with the cool (downright cold) water! He looks refreshed, though! What a life, a charmed life, indeed. (:

Kodak 400 film photo

I would be remiss if I didn’t post these smiles on their last day of school. Hint… these may have been shot with my new camera! I am loving the buttery bokeh results. I’m currently shooting a roll of B&W and I’ll have to share with you! Goals! :)

Kodak 400 film photos

It was a June to remember!! Many thanks to you, Papa John and Mama Kay for making the long journey to spend time with us over Father’s Day weekend. Any time we get to spend with you is always treasured, and most appreciated. <3 Come see us anytime!

Thanks to you, my friend, for stopping by! July highlights are coming up next! Wishing you ease in your day, sunshine on your back and joy in your heart. :)

Barbara Liszcz (c) My 3 Girls Photography

P.s. All film images were produced with Kodak 400 film and processed at MotoPhoto Lab in Reading, PA. Thanks, Sherry and team!

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September... Already?

It's been a prolific summer, one among many for the books, friends!  The sunflowers have taken off and up, blooming tall and proud.  I had specifically chosen sunflower varieties that would grow approximately 3 feet overall, yet, this patch has far exceeded 6 feet - some closer to 8!!  Geez, guys, talk about over-achievers!!!  Ha!  I wonder, though, if I had planted them farther apart, spread out more if they wouldn't be competing so hardily for the sun's affections?!  This gives me plenty of ideas for next year's garden of flowers!!  Regardless, the gold finches, bees, butterflies and other buggie critters aren't complaining.  They rather keep sending me flashes of beautiful "Thanks" and "Appreciation!"  I'll take it!   

(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography
(c) my 3 girls photography

The hubby fixed our small Mantis 'tiller with new blades (yea baby!) and dug up the earth adjacent to the sunflowers, like a boss!  AND just in time for fall planting.  I can't believe we are staring at fall already!!  Don't get me wrong, I love the changing of seasons.  There's always something to look forward to in the garden.  I'll be moving some of the spreading perennials to the new patch and saving seeds for next year's garden.  Hmm, now to decide which patch of grass is next to cover, starve to death and then prep to plant in the spring!  

(c) my 3 girls photography

I had to share this colorful growth by my home studio sign by the mailbox.  Non-local peeps, I'm guessing you all have heard the news of our rain drenched, wet summer by now.  No, we did not float away (although, there were times when I contemplated building an ark in the backyard) and, YES, the flowers are in heavenly delight - they don't seem to mind all the dampness, not a bit.  The chrysanthemums I planted last fall - from 2 inch slivers of root found on the discount rack - have multiplied by the millionth power of sun, heat and rain!!  I'm in awe at how magnificent they have become this year.   

(c) my 3 girls photography

Whew.  Well, this felt great to get back to my blog, give it some love and fresh images!  Thanks so much for stopping by to have a view.  I have much more to share here and I'm thinking of a month to month style of a summer wrap-up of images.  June highlights is first to come on that list!  

Wishing everyone a beautiful September!  
Have a happy Labor Day holiday with your family and friends!
God bless all the fruits of your labor. 

(c) my 3 girls photography

One Candle for Forty Eight

Monday morning came too soon, but we were ready to move on to our next destination on our list of people and places to see.  We loaded up the rental car, said our good-byes to our Miami family and headed out on the open road, taking the Tamiami Trail (State Route 41; a 2 lane highway that leads you through forest and the swampy Everglades) across southern Florida and up the Gulf Coastline, watching for 'gators, unique birds and admired the landscape along the way.  We were on our way to visit with more family members, John & Kay, in Englewood (along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico), at their vacation home. 

Families can be an intricate web, a tapestry of designs, stitched together by marriage, children, siblings, branches that extend outward, stretched by sheer love.  I count myself among the fortunate to have the direct experience of loving family members that have accepted me as part of their own on those far-extended branches.  You know you've found the gold thread in your family tapestry when new members enter in and, without so much as a double look or the blink of an eye, they turn to you and call you "daughter."

When my stepfather, John (a loving man who helped to raise me and my sister from very early on) and my mother's marriage dissolved late in my teen years, I was heartbroken.  I was heartbroken both for my parents and for myself.  Fortunately, for all involved, hearts are resilient and heal and go on loving.  John remarried a woman I would soon come to know as one of my closest, dearest friends, another mom for me to love and cherish, and another grandmother for my girls.  I don't know how Kay does it, but I am certainly grateful that she hasn't wavered from her commitment to her ready-made family, not only taking on a step-motherly role for me and my sister, but also a grandma for our children, seemingly without ever questioning and diving in with a heart wide open, and the sincerest devotion to all of us.  Kay is one of those rare gems in life that sparkles with the utmost of patience, humility, loads of terrific wit and laughter, and, above all, Love.  She's a keeper!!  I'll share her, but won't ever let her go!  

We arrived late in the day, just in time for more 'gator hunting, a beautiful sunset, delicious dinner and then s'mores with John & Kay's neighbors, Katie & John!!  

Englewood FL with family-2.jpg

Tuesday was my birthday!  I had mentioned to Kay that it would be great to spend some time playing in the ocean with the girls, catch some sun and surf, just relax - that's really all I wanted for my birthday, to have my toes in the sand, listen to the surf on the shoreline, let the girls play in the waves and do some shelling.  My birthday wish came true!!!  

Kay took us to Boca Grande beach on Gasparilla Island, just north of Sanibel/Captiva Island on the Gulf.  It was a gorgeous beach day, with light winds and mid 80 temps.  The water was a bit cool, but the girls didn't mind and had a blast!  They have never seen so many different shapes and variation in colors of shells before!  This definitely is not the Jersey shore we are accustomed to visiting during our summers.  Check it out... 

It was hard leaving this beautiful beach, but there were more celebrations coming up!  So, we packed up for the afternoon and headed back to home base to prepare for our adventurous evening out. 

John & Kay treated us to fine dining at Rum Bay Restaurant on Palm Island!  We took a ferry ride to reach our destination, and along the way the captain allowed each of our girls to take the helm for a bit.  Their reaction was priceless!  They both handled it well, but weren't too sure they knew which way they should set their course!  Haha, too cute! 

Plus, there was a sweet bonus for us to enjoy!  Dolphins!!  A small pod of dolphins playfully swam along the rear starboard side of the boat, leaping and splashing.  It was yet another fantastic birthday gift!  Alanna & Emilia were thrilled, too!!!    

Here we are, happy, satisfied bellies full and our to-go boxes.  Our waitress kindly snapped a few pics for us to remember this wonderful evening together.  Coincidentally, we were not only celebrating my birthday, but also our 20th wedding anniversary.  Kurt and I married the day after my birthday so we'd always have double the reasons to celebrate our life together!  So far, it's worked out wonderfully!   

Kurt caught this moment for me back at John & Kay's home where we finished the night with birthday cake (gluten-free no less!) and ice cream!  What a fabulous day it was!  And I told John & Kay this was the best birthday I ever had!  If birthdays keep getting better and better each year, I'm up for that! 

Wednesday morning came too soon, and yet again it was time to pack up the rental car and hit the road.  This time we were headed to Disneyworld and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Orlando!  More on that next up!

It was sad saying good-bye and I felt that choked up feeling, wanting to say so much, how grateful we are to have them in our lives, how much they mean to us, and how thankful we are for all the magical treats, experiences they bestowed on us during our visit.  Thank you, Papa John & Kay!  Your loving kindnesses and generous nature are appreciated beyond any words I could ever write.  I hope you feel our love from across the miles, just as much as when we are together!  We love you.  

And, I knew Emilia and Grandpa John would be best buddies.  They're 2 peas in a pod!  ;) 

Thanks so much for taking time to stop by, and hear about our happy trails, friends!  I promise, just one more blog on our Florida vacationing journey!  Here's to more adventures and joyous celebrations to commemorate!!  Cheers!!!