A Sunday Walk in the 'Hood

It’s day 40 of Quarantine 2020. It’s also Earth Week leading up to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday. We have been out walking in our neighborhood a whole lot more recently, using it as our P.E. class for the girls and myself. This past Sunday we decided to glove up and take along trash bags to pick up the random trash that finds its way to the side of the road.

Well, to be fair, I supervised and pointed, “Trash!” whenever I would see it and then go about making photos of my cute family collecting and cleaning up the neighborhood or a wildflower or the green fields or a neighbor’s American flags, or a duck crossing sign, etc. One must do what one must do, after all.

We’ve tried to make this clean-up-the-hood an annual tradition - right around the same time of year, and Earth Day. Most years I am also picking up the trash and cleaning up our ‘hood. It’s a feel-good exercise and another way to honor the Earth and our fellow inhabitants, wouldn't you say? We do live in a pretty area and it’s nice to slow down every so often to take in the natural beauty that we’re fortunate to enjoy. How we love our home planet. As they say, there’s no planet B.

At one point on our three-mile walk, we saw a neighbor out riding his lawn tractor, cutting his grass along the side of the road. He took notice to what we were doing, and the heavy sack of trash my husband was carrying. We said “hello!” to one another over the tractor’s motor and he said, “You can leave the trash at the end of my driveway, at the corner.” We thanked him and went about picking up more finds. He then turned around and drove his tractor up his long driveway and just as we were passing, he came back down with not one but two more trash bags to hand off to us and he took our full bag to dispose. That was such a thoughtful act and we couldn’t help but smile big and thank him profusely! Thanks again, neighbor!! (:

Back at home, I snapped off some photos of the blooming Crabapple tree and the azaleas in full bloom. My girl, Alanna said “there’s so much color in our yard.” It’s spring and we love it, every year! I know I’ve said it a dozen times, but I’ll say it again, I adore springtime and all the beauty that’s bursting forth from the earth’s awakening. Another “Go-Round” to witness all the vibrant and breathtaking majesty, full of wonder and awe.

We have another reason to celebrate this Earth Week and Earth Day! We went solar last month!! It’s been exactly one month to the day and we’ve produced the equivalent of $140 in kWh!! Whoot! We weren’t certain how we’d adjust to solar panels and my husband needed many talks about the immense benefits in relation to the long-term investment (the price tag made him hyperventilate at first). But, month one in and under our belts, and we’re seeing the power of solar in a whole new light! Yes, pun intended, sorry. I’m so proud that we took the leap, and are paying it forward - for our girls’ future and that of every other kiddo on the planet, for that matter. If we each just chipped in, to do what we can, no matter how small, I think we’d see a massive wave of change for the betterment of all.

Have a Happy Earth Week, my friend!
Happy 50th Anniversary to Earth Day on Wednesday! How will you be celebrating the day?
Thanks for stopping by. Continue to stay safe and take great care to be well.

With love and neighborly friendship,