Favorite Five From Last Week

We had a 9th birthday to celebrate last week.  And celebrate we did!!  I still find it hard to believe that my "baby" is nine!!  We started her day with a kid-gourmet breakfast served in bed.  There were treats delivered to her classmates and ice cream cake after her favorite dinner of tacos!    

child photographer
child photographer

We also had a "Magical" unicorn painting party with her classmates at our favorite local art studio, Morgantown Arts Center.  It was such a great experience with the girls!  And we have some beautiful, original artwork to display and treasure for always.  Special thanks to Ms. Jaeh and friends!!!  

child photographer
child photographer

April skies have been clearing the way for beautiful sunsets around here lately.  It's been a cold spring for us, but I have hope for warmer weather ahead (oh pleeeeassse!!).  Our daffodils are soon ready to bloom!  

April setting sky

How was your week?  What's new in your area - and in life?  How's your weather been?!  I'd love to hear from you, friends!  Wishing you all well and a wonderful week!    

with love and light

Easter Bunny Studio Portrait Sessions

I'm gonna call it.  We turned the clocks ahead, the snow is melting, the tulip bulbs are pushing upward, the trees are starting to bud and we're all more than ready for SPRING!!!  Who's with me?!  Hand's in the air, waving "Me" frantically!!!  ;)  It's been a L O N G winter and we've all had enough!  Springtime could not be more welcomed.  

I have a super sweet, cuddly treat for you, friends.  The Easter Bunny is hopping down the bunny trail and ready to bring goodies your way!  "Rosie," a kid-friendly, snuggly sweetheart of a rabbit will be joining us in the Studio on Saturday & Sunday, March 24 & 25.  Rosie is coming to spend the weekend with us on "holiday" from her beloved Mrs. Davis' kindergarten classroom!  Isn't that wonderful of her to share with all of us?!  Thank you, Mrs. Davis!!  Rosie spent an overnight with us and she felt like part of the family!  You all are going to adore her as much as we do!!    

There's two package options for you to consider and just 8 portrait sessions with our Easter Bunny.  The appointment times available are as follows:  

Saturday, March 24
12:30pm (Available)
1:30pm (Available)
2:30pm = Booked
3:30pm = Booked

Sunday, March 25
11:00 = Booked
12:30pm = Booked
1:30pm = Booked
2:30pm (Available)

EASTER BUNNY Sessions 2018 copy for blog.jpg

The model release discount offered is for families that are willing to have their children featured publicly in any of the different places I publish my work, most especially, here on my website.  With a new studio space I need lots of examples to share with all.  I'm grateful to you for granting me this permission and in appreciation I've offered the sessions at a 25% discount.   

Accordion Style Photo Book (images are either 2.5"x3" or 3"x3")

Accordion Style Photo Book (images are either 2.5"x3" or 3"x3")

Contact me via email:  my3girlsphotography@gmail.com  to book your portrait session date/time and then get your Sunday Best outfits ready to go for this Easter and your photos!!  I look forward to seeing you this spring!!    

One More Reason to Celebrate Life

"The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can."

-- Neil Gaiman

There were plenty of reasons to celebrate this week!  First, it was my birthday!  Second, my sweetheart, my handsome hubby and I turned another page as a married couple!  21 years, to be exact!  We married the day after my birthday.  I hit a gold mine when I said "I will" to my guy!  He's my rock.  He's my world.  I only hope and pray that my girls find life partners that are half as wonderful as their daddy (and Chelsea's step-dad) is.  One can hope.  He scared me so much that it took him 3 times to propose to me before I finally said "yes!"  By scared, I mean in truly the best of ways.  I had been down the matrimony path once prior, and, well, it left much to the imagination - those fairy tale books were way wrong!  Prince Charming isn't always so "charming" and after a year of marriage I made my escape plan, and implemented it.  I didn't trust many people after that experience.  It opened my naive, girlish eyes to the world. I know my own girls will make much wiser choices in life, especially since they have a loving father that cherishes them and a mother that loves them fiercely.  A strong foundation of love is key, in my opinion, in making lasting, healthy life choices.  True love conquers all!    

We had a snowstorm (a nor'easter) just in time for my birthday on Wednesday!  Oh boy!!  Quite a difference from last year's birthday celebrations in Florida!  Mother Nature left us snowbound for the day, and ANOTHER day off from school!  My beloveds treated me like a Queen!  There was breakfast in bed, handmade cards and singing!  It was all pretty fabulous until "Lucy," our cat, decided she wanted in on the fun and sprang onto the bed and landed squarely on the breakfast tray, sending the fresh, hot coffee flying in all directions!  Never a dull moment, I tell you.  Never.  

The girls and I enjoyed a lazy day together.  I kept the fire going in the wood stove just in case we lost our power, which is commonplace in our neck of the woods; and I did coffee-soaked laundry.  Later that night, once Kurt was home from work, we had a Chinese feast complete with all our favorite delicacies and hot tea (no champagne for me - I'm coming up on 4 years of sobriety).  
There was time for us all to enjoy sparklers on the deck in the backyard!  I think a new birthday tradition was born!  Of course, I had to bring my ol' trusty, Sony a99, along to capture the light!  The family also obliged me in my request to play a round of Harry Potter Clue!  Seriously, I love playing board games with my beloveds.  They make it so fun and their personalities shine forth!  Our Emilia won the game!  There were shouts of joy!!  

A birthday wouldn't be complete without cake + ice cream and it was scrumptious!!!  We wrapped up our quiet family evening together -- bellies full, hearts full, ready to take on another year!  Birthdays, I've found, are a roller coaster of emotions for me (you too?), but with my family's steadfast love; wonderful, generous hugs and kisses; and thoughtful encouragement -- I am able, I am strong, I am loved deeply.  And that, my friends, is the best gift I could ever receive.          

Onward bound!!!  :)